I read several articles and blog posts daily as part of my ongoing professional development. Each week, I curate a few of my favorites, including a brief introduction explaining why I find the article valuable and recommend you read it.

Here's a summary of this week's content:

  • Ten AI-driven innovations powering personalized learning
  • How to enhance eLearning usability with proper contrast 
  • Strategies for upskilling in the hybrid work era
  • How to balance maintenance and aspirational goals
  • AI’s role in creating dynamic learning environments

The Future of Learning is Personalized, Automated…and Powered by AI
This free ebook explores ten emerging AI-driven innovations that are revolutionizing the creation, curation, and delivery of learning content, enabling faster, more efficient, and highly personalized educational experiences.

Using Contrast to Improve Visual Accessibility in eLearning
This article by Connie Malamed explores how proper contrast enhances the usability and inclusivity of digital content, ensuring that it can be effectively utilized by individuals with varying degrees of visual ability.

Upskilling & Reskilling in the Era of Hybrid Work
In this article, Karen Vieth emphasizes the critical need for organizations to implement effective upskilling and reskilling strategies and how these strategies ensure workforce adaptability and sustained growth amidst rapid technological advancements and changing work models.

When Procrastination is Productive
The article by Scott Young highlights the importance of distinguishing between maintenance activities and aspirational goals, and how managing time effectively and setting realistic priorities are crucial for achieving goals and success without feeling guilty about the occasional need for procrastination.

The Future of Learning Development: Where the Puck Is Going
In this article, Mike Vaughan & Markus Bernhardt explore the transformative potential of AI in creating dynamic, personalized learning environments that enhance skill acquisition and adaptability for both individuals and organizations.