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Join NowRegister now to join learning leaders of all levels at Learning 2024, the event perfecting the next generation of learning leadership, happening December 4 - 6 at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace. Save $100 with the Last Chance Rate now through November 1.
Register now to join learning leaders of all levels at Learning 2024, the event perfecting the next generation of learning leadership, happening December 4 - 6 at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace. Save $100 with the Last Chance Rate now through November 1.
Register now to join the L&D community at DevLearn 2024, North America's largest learning technology event, happening November 6 - 8 at the MGM Grand. Save $100 with the Last Chance Rate now through October 4.
Craft a seamless connection between learning goals and measurable performance improvement.
Explore the power of learner personas and how they can transform your instructional design
Get the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the change management process with confidence.
DevLearn 2024 is celebrating 20 years on November 6 - 8 in Las Vegas! From 200+ learning experiences and activities to new networking opportunities and our largest Expo Hall, there’s never been a better time to join us!
Learn MorePreparing ahead of training analysis meetings and asking the right questions can dramatically improve outcomes. Focus on these three specific targets.
This report looks at the whys and hows—and some current areas of controversy—of using learner personas to improve our instructional design practice.
Discover how incorporating microlearning can seamlessly integrate into your workflow, providing cost-effective solutions for various workplace scenarios.
You've been tasked with creating a memorable, action-oriented program for an in-person training, management development series, or department retreat. Where to start? Join our interact . . .
Experience the world of holistic learning experiences, where support systems emerge as the unsung heroes. In this informative session, we will uncover the influence of communities, user-f . . .
Join Brian Flores for the Learning Leaders Alliance monthly meetup.
One of the most influential factors in the evolution of learners, be it children or adults, is the role of a dedicated, inspiring teacher. As learning and development leaders, we strive to r . . .
Preparing ahead of training analysis meetings and asking the right questions can dramatically improve outcomes. Focus on these three specific targets.
When trying to move from order taker to strategic business partner, recognizing when you have to take the order—and finding the opportunities—is the key to a smooth transition.
Explore this week's curated content, including practical strategies for inclusive eLearning design, ESPN's AI-driven personalized fan experiences, frameworks aligning learning with business outcomes, addressing colonial biases in online education, and creative team-building activities for diverse work environments.
L2L is shaping the future of the frontline. The industrial software company acquired SwipeGuide to create an end-to-end connected workforce solution to drive manufacturing performance at scale.
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Join NowYou've been tasked with creating a memorable, action-oriented program for an in-person training, management development series, or department retreat. Where to start? Join our interact . . .
We hear it all the time from leaders and learners: performance reviews are useless, and corporate learning is broken. So, how can you fix the broken pattern of a typical performance revie . . .
In an era where digital skills are paramount, traditional training methods often fall short of preparing employees for real-world challenges. This presentation will explore the concept of . . .
Are you a Mac user struggling with Windows-exclusive e-learning tools like Articulate 360? Discover how Parallels Desktop can seamlessly bridge the gap between Mac and Windows in our upcom . . .
Our community is made up of learning professionals dedicated to designing, developing, and advancing their work through valuable discussions and connections.
We create a place where eLearning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry — because we believe we're better together.
We're passionate about empowering our community to create better learning experiences through accessible resources that help advance our industry by working together.