Collaboration has become the most important skill for success, yet it's also become harder than ever. Join us for a fact-filled, thought provoking dive into the newly released, best selling book, "Thrive: A Collaboration Manifesto," written by the tech founders who invented Automated Coaching.
Author Kirsten Moorefield will cover:
- Macro-trends heightening human skills and collaboration to be the primary value-creators for personal and organizational success
- Macro-trends straining individuals and organizations that have made collaboration more nuanced and challenging than ever before
- Trends in the most collaborative organizations that you can bring into your teams
- *How technology can scale personal development more effectively, affordably, and enjoyably than we could even 3 years ago.
Whether you're early in your career or a seasoned leader, you're sure to learn something new. You'll walk away with data to strengthen your Talent Development proposals, language for today's unique barriers, and tactics to explore in your teams and organizations.
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