Impacting performance through connecting with the experience and knowledge of others has been a learning strategy since humans stood in front of each other for the first time. Social learning is not a new premise. However, the effectiveness of this strategy has grown exponentially due to the emergence of new social technologies. This has happened not only because of innovative tools, but also because the sheer volume and accessibility of these tools has enabled social learning to shift our perception of formal and informal learning. This has put us on a path towards change. Following are five predictions that can shift our perception of learning competency and culture in the evolving era of “Knowledge Working.”
Prediction 1: The traditional resume/CV will be depreciated
Resumes are an expression of summarized experience and potential value. In many ways the resume is a mask that professionals share to infiltrate an opportunity. The emerging culture of “Knowledge Working” enables a higher level of transparency for a person’s competency. Our relevance in this era is built upon our digital footprint. Our knowledge, experience, likes, talents, networks, and more are all digitized and exhibited for every potential client and employer to review. The “Digital You” will antiquate the need for a formal resume.
Prediction 2: Recruiters will become more like talent agents
This prediction is both a cause and an effect of the previous one. Recruiters in the past distributed resumes as product fliers to their clients. The “Digital You” is now a celebrity, an expression of your talent. Recruiters will provide media-rich representations of the potential value you can provide to their clients. In turn, organizations will be looking for these digital celebrities even within the most common careers. Since every organization will have social learning efforts, they will need employees who can contribute to a social culture. The “Digital You” will be a demonstration of what they are purchasing. Your network will become the collateral and currency used in exchange for employment.
Prediction 3: Media design skills will become a basic competency
Not only has media production become more accessible, it has become easier with the advances in software and hardware. If you doubt that, look at YouTube, Vimeo, or any video sharing site. Content is abundant and 10-year-olds (literally) are creating channels that adults are sourcing to upgrade their skills. Apple has been making some obvious moves with their strategies around Final Cut (video editing) and also the purchase of land in Silicon Valley that speculation says will be the site for a server farm to house video content.
Prediction 4: Social will become the new spec
Every product on the planet, no matter how trivial, will have a social feature to it. Everything from a can of soup to an LCMS will have the functionality to connect users. Users will like, share, connect, comment, and recommend through the social features of a product. Additionally, success will be gauged beyond sales. Marketing departments will be considering “Social Analytics” just as critical to building a brand as they consider sales. Consumers will consider the social network of a product as much as they will consider taste or functionality.
Prediction 5: Traditional demographics will be replaced by social analytics
Age, race, gender, and most other traditional demographics will find their way to the Smithsonian. We now realize they are typically ineffective as guiding design principles. “Social Analytics” will become far superior for determining learner preference. Although Web 3.0 is still at bay, some of its early influences are giving us a look into the digital soul of what learners expect from content and delivery. As organizations infuse social media tools into their culture, so too do they open the window to how their employees want to learn. Read Learner Analysis 2.0 to gain further insight on this.
From degrees of separation to degrees of connection
Our ability to connect with every other soul in our network is a profound event in learning. Extended networks can potentially equal the human population of the planet. Degrees of separation are dropping as technology allows us to tap into our network and the networks of those we directly connect to. The social exchange of the trivial and the valuable is recorded, and filed for reference and distribution. Ideas will be shared, expanded upon, and used to solve some of the most complex problems we face, as well as answering the simplest questions including, “What should I have for dinner tonight?” The “Knowledge Culture” is here. The “Digital You” is born. Opportunity for change is calling and the time to adjust is upon us. Connect, share, and grow!