Learning Solutions Conference & Expo is more than just a conference—it’s an experience. And The eLearning Guild wants to bring that experience to you.
Join The eLearning Guild on April 8 & 9 for the Learning Solutions Online Conference, where you’ll have the opportunity to examine critical industry topics and discover new learning strategies that you can take back to your own work. Explore eight sessions from the full conference, and hear from accomplished L&D professionals on how you can apply new techniques and tools to your work to skyrocket your learning experiences.
Here are a few of the session topics that you will have the chance to dive into:
- How to apply design thinking to your learning experiences
- How to identify new challenges and data needs in your organization
- How to leverage the capabilities of xAPI over SCORM
- What keeps learners motivated and how you can avoid demotivation
- The challenges, benefits, and implementation of visual design
Don’t miss your chance to experience the first-ever Learning Solutions Online Conference! You can register for this online event or get an eLearning Guild Online Conference Subscription to access this and all online conferences for the next year, plus much more. If you registered for Learning Solutions 2020 or Realities360 Conference & Expo, you will be granted free access to this online event.