As the eLearning industry matures, more and more developers want to make significant learning experiences that go beyond the abilities of traditional eLearning software. Complex simulations, tactile experiences, and “rehearsal” style trainings are often much beyond the ability of traditional authoring tools. While much improved, these tools are still based on a “slide n’ tell’ paradigm that PowerPoint forced 20 years ago.
Airline and military pilots have trained in simulators like that shown in Figure 1 for years. This simulator trains new and current Airbus 380 pilots. This is computer based learning too!
Figure 1: Airline and military pilots have trained in simulators
like this one for years
While this short tutorial isn’t going to help you code an advanced flight simulator, it is going to help you write your first lines of code in about 10 minutes. So fire up your laptop, make sure you're connected to the Internet, and let’s code.
Step 1: Set up your development environment
I’m going to simplify this initial task. Normally setting up a development environment would require several downloads and possible configuration. However we’re going to use a cool site called JSFiddle. JSFiddle allows us to write and test lightweight code in the browser.
Visit and you should see a screen similar Figure 2. Welcome to your sandbox!
Figure 2: is your sandbox for this tutorial
Step 2: Write some code
In the upper left hand blank box, write the following code:
Hello World
Click the button towards the top of the interface that says “Run.” You’ll notice the result appears in the Result box (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Hello World
Congratulations! You’ve written your first bit of code. In this case it’s in the HTML language.
The “Hello World” program is traditionally the first thing anyone writes when they learn a new language. You’re among the coders now!
The code we wrote specified to output the words “Hello World” in a paragraph form (known in HTML as paragraph tags).
Step 3: Write some new code.
Delete the code in the HTML box (upper left) and replace it with this:
We’ve created a “logical division” that will hold our output. There is no output yet so if you click the run button, nothing will happen! Essentially we’re just reserving some space in the browser that we’re identifying as output that will hold our output. Next we’ll output something there.
Step 4: Add some JavaScript code for interaction
Interactive code is written in JavaScript. JavaScript, increasingly, is becoming the most important language to know. We’re going to use JavaScript to ask the user two questions and then output a result.
Key in the following in the JavaScript quadrant (bottom left in Figure 2):
first = prompt("What is your first name?"); last = prompt("What is your last name?"); fullName = first + " " + last; document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = "Greetings, " + fullName;
Be very careful to enter the code exactly as listed. Even a single incorrect character can break your code. (Yes, this is something that frustrates even experienced coders).
Step 5: Testing
Click the run button again. You should be greeted with a prompt like the one in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The first line of code you entered in Step 4 produces
this prompt when run
Respond to this prompt and the subsequent one and view the result in the result panel of the JSFiddle interface (Figure 5).
Figure 5: The code in Step 4 leads to the personal greeting when
you run it and respond to the prompts
We’re using variables here to create the eventual output “Greetings, Mark Lassoff.” You, of course, remember variables introduced as ‘x’ in 8th grade Algebra? In this code “first,” “last,” and “fullName” are variables.
The variables are assigned values based on the result of the right side of the “=” sign—which in programming parlance is the assignment operator.
Study the code carefully and—even if you don’t understand each line explicitly—you should be able to determine how it formulates the final result in the result quadrant.
Step Six: Let’s try one more
Let’s change the code in your JavaScript quadrant once more. Carefully key in the following code:
age = prompt("Enter Your Age"); if (age >= 65) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can retire.<br/>"; } if (age > 20) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can legally consume alcohol.<br/>"; } if (age > 17) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can vote."; }
Here we’re introduced to how decisions are made in code. Run the program and experiment with entering different ages and examine the result (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Step 6 provides you with some good news (if you are old
This result was generated by entering the age 70 at the prompt. Life gets better as you get older…
Step 7: Examine the code.
First we prompt the user for their age. Whatever the user enters is stored in the variable age.
age = prompt("Enter Your Age");
Developers often joke that programming would be fun if it weren’t for the users… What they mean by this is that users will find the most unique ways to break software. Try clicking ‘run’ again and instead of entering age as an integer, enter text with letters. See what happens…
We then compare the age value to the values 65, 20, and 17. We test age to see if it’s greater than these values. If it is we put text in the “output” division. You’ll note that the <br/> symbol simply means line break.
if (age >= 65) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can retire.<br/>"; } if (age > 20) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can legally consume alcohol.<br/>"; } if (age > 17) { document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "You can vote."; }
Using the format above add the following results:
If the users age is greater than 90, output “You can say whatever you want, without consequence.” If the user’s age is greater than 100, output “Willard Scott would be proud!”
Want to see if you got it right? View my JSFiddle at
Now you’ve written two programs. Not exactly Flappy Birds—but it’s a start, in just about 10 minutes. Okay, maybe 20.
The challenge here is to move further. Nothing will future-proof your career more than learning to code.