Technology is changing in our everyday lives, but how do these new technologies and ways of interacting with people and our environment affect how we design learning experiences? How can we keep pace with technological trends and advances as we develop organizational strategy? How can we keep our design and development skills up to date with the latest learning trends, and with the newest technologies for learning?

Participants in this session will examine several organizational learning trends and the technologies that are paving the way. You’ll see some of the latest technologies, framed in the context of the learning trends these technologies support. And you’ll get a sneak peek into the not-too-distant future of technology-enabled learning experiences.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What trends in learning are emerging based on new technologies
  • What new technologies are on the horizon that will affect organizational learning strategy
  • What technologies are falling off the “hype cycle” — will they make a comeback?
  • How your organization can prepare today for the trends and technologies of the future

