Increasingly, human resource and learning professionals need to gain buy-in from a variety of internal clients, including middle managers who cannot afford employee downtime and senior managers who want to see tangible benefits and a return on their investment. This is especially challenging for mLearning because few people are aware of the potential of this relatively new learning approach.

Participants in this session will learn how to gain manager buy-in for mLearning by presenting your mLearning initiatives effectively and communicating with language that minimizes resistance. Through a five-step process called RADAR (minimize Resistance, Apathy, and Disruptions while maximizing Application of learning and expected Returns to the business), you’ll learn how to gain management support for mLearning initiatives. You’ll explore the basics and challenges to management buy-in, including how to recognize senior management’s focus, why you need to respect the demands of middle managers, and how to ensure you meet learners’ requirements.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to apply the RADAR approach to gain management buy-in for mLearning initiatives
  • How to develop presentations to management that make the business case for mLearning
  • How to identify and avoid the language blunders learning professionals can make when dealing with managers
  • How to ensure you’re meeting your internal clients’ needs

