Are you the L&D team lead—and the learning strategist, instructional designer, facilitator, evaluator, learning technologist, project manager, and other-tasks-as-assigned person? As a team of one—or head of a small and overstretched team—you likely need help to develop effective and efficient strategies for achieving organizational learning goals with limited resources.

Join this session for practical guidance on how to prioritize training initiatives, leverage technology, and design effective learning strategies that address the specific needs of your organization. Through interactive elements such as polling, case studies, and group activities, you will gain a better understanding of how to maximize limited resources and overcome common challenges faced by small  L&D teams with expanding demands.

You will leave the session with:

  • Actionable insights and tools to drive business outcomes, increase employee engagement and retention
  • Ability to prioritize your initiatives to maximize impact while using limited resources
  • Understanding of the most effective technology tools to enhance your training initiatives

Session Video