In January 2018, when we published The State of Microlearning, microlearning was a shiny new buzzword—and an innovative concept. Now, five years later we are updating our report to see what has changed in how we use microlearning today.

Download our report, The State of Microlearning, 2023, and see Pamela Hogle delve into the views of eight learning leaders to uncover where they overlap and where they diverge. The report paints a picture of what microlearning is and how it’s used today, hints at where it might take us in the future, and offers tips and best practices that you can use to improve your understanding, design, and use of microlearning. This report explores:

  • The evolution of microlearning from “short, chunked content” to an essential strategy for boosting performance
  • The role of microlearning in enhancing deeper training and boosting retention
  • The use of microlearning for moment-of-need performance support
  • How microlearning has revolutionized training for frontline employees
  • Strategies for overcoming barriers and resistance to the use of microlearning
  • Best practices and tips for using microlearning effectively

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