Learning in 3D virtual worlds has vast benefits: from attracting and retaining talent to significant cost savings in travel. 3D Virtual Learning Environments (3DVLEs) are fun, allow for more immersive experiences than traditional VLEs, and provide more personalized engagement for virtual learners. So how do you get started with 3DVLEs?
Participants in this session will explore the beginning of a roadmap for adding 3DVLEs to your organization’s eLearning offerings. You’ll see how one company successfully designed and implemented a traditional classroom-training program in a 3DVLE, and review the lessons learned from that implementation. You’ll learn further benefits of 3DVLEs and instructional-design considerations when developing and transitioning programs for 3DVLEs, and you’ll explore and learn how to overcome some common 3DVLE challenges.
In this session, you will learn:
- About a successful 3DVLE implementation
- The benefits of 3DVLEs
- About common challenges with 3DVLEs and how to overcome these challenges
- Instructional-design considerations for 3DVLEs
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