Knowledge management (KM) appeared over the horizon in the mid-1990s. Most trainers misunderstood it, often writing it off as just another IT system, AKA ”the portal.” Peter Senge popularized the learning organization in The Fifth Discipline (1990); Peter Drucker described a coming transformation in Post Capitalist Society (1993). Now, KM’s future is finally clear. We’ve experienced an emergence of the post-industrial focus on knowledge, and this transformation will swallow up many career paths and organizations, especially those that don’t “rethink learning” in the context of the post-industrial knowledge age (K Age), when knowledge managers see performance support in a much more comprehensive, transformational context than have traditional trainers, seasoned eLearning designers, or developers.

Participants in this session will gain historical and modern “rethink learning” insights in the context of K Age transformation. You’ll discover that performance support will be much more than you’ve understood it to be. Are you ready?

In this session, you will learn:

  • How the touted information age is now morphing into the post-industrial knowledge age (K Age)
  • That KM is not an IT tool, but rather a transformative discipline to create a learning organization
  • How you will need to “rethink learning” in the K Age
  • That eLearning has a reserved but as yet unfilled seat at the K Age table
  • How learning professionals may lose their seats unless they understand and adapt to the transformational changes already taking place

Learning practitioners for the focus on future career prospects, executives for understanding the K Age imperative. Little prior technical expertise required.

