Learning designers are trying to use 20th century methodologies to solve 21st century problems. It’s time to re-think the very principles of learning design to address today and tomorrow’s 24/7/365, global, mobile world, and to take advantage of 21st century opportunities for innovation. How do we make the best use of the alphabet soup of available learning and business methodologies—ADDIE, HPT, BP, Six Sigma, LEAN, AGILE—and the expanding toolkit of formal, informal, social, virtual, and mobile technologies and approaches?
Participants in this free webinar will develop a deeper understanding of 21st century organizational challenges, examine the strengths and weaknesses of various methodologies when applied to learning design, and together define a new set of 21st century learning design principles.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- How six methodologies each impact learning design
- About 21st century learning technologies and approaches
- Eight principles of new learning design
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