501 Explore the Growing Role of AI in Learning and the New Era of Adaptive Learning

8:15 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, February 9

In this session we will take the magic out of AI. We will explore what it can and can’t do, and we'll improve your understanding of the scope and capabilities of AI technology in learning.

Discover how AI is already being deployed for mapping and tagging content in a fully automatic process across content libraries of any size. Learn how these tools enable truly adaptive learning at scale.

This session will also explore the new learning experience from the learner’s point of view, as well as look at the agility that L&D teams and content creators gain from deploying AI for learning. You will leave this session with a sound understanding of the capabilities of new technology and its impact on L&D teams and learners.

In this session you will learn:

  • About AI and its capabilities for L&D and organizational development, with no magic, smoke, or mirrors
  • The impact of the technology on all aspects of L&D and how it will inform and impact your future strategy and actions—from creation and curation of programs to delivery (digital, hybrid, and face-to-face)
  • How trainers, facilitators, and leaders will be empowered to improve their training, coaching, and mentoring
  • How designers will benefit from new technologies and the importance of human-grade content as the gold standard in learning and training


Markus Bernhardt

Chief Consultant

Endeavor Intelligence

Markus Bernhardt, leading Endeavor Intelligence, specializes in AI strategy consulting and workshop facilitation across various organizational levels. His expertise is globally recognized, marking him as a trusted authority, author, panelist, and speaker in the AI and learning domains. Esteemed institutions like the Learning Performance Institute, Forbes Technology Council, HBR Advisory Council, and the Learning Development Accelerator endorse his significant contributions to the field. At The Thinking Effect, Markus is at the forefront of advocating for ethical AI applications in learning development, shaping innovative learning cultures. His role as AI Strategy Lead at The Learning Forum involves him deeply in peer-to-peer executive groups, creating a dynamic exchange of strategies and insights among global leaders in AI. Markus’s ability to facilitate, contribute to, and lead these discussions underscores his commitment to advancing AI understanding in executive circles. Markus’s broad experience in AI strategy, combined with his recognized role as a global authority, positions him as a key influencer in blending AI with business acumen and learning advancements.

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