801 Chatbots to Support Behavior Change

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, February 20

Do you struggle to create sustained behavior change from your learning initiatives? One-and-done approaches typically fail, but one-on-one coaching after an event can really make the learning stick. Although ideal it's not often realistic, as it's difficult to scale due to available resources and time constraints. Chatbots present an exciting opportunity to help you deliver on and demonstrate the learning outcomes your organization needs and wants.

In this session you'll learn what’s possible today with AI for knowledge transfer. You'll examine real client examples and the lessons learned from using coaching chatbots in what has previously been a human-dominated arena; delivering behavior change post-learning. In this session you'll deepen your understanding of the powerful combination of chatbots and data analytics. You'll learn the top five reasons why chatbot projects fail and how to avoid them.

Emma Weber

Lever - Transfer of Learning


Emma Weber is the CEO/founder of Lever - Transfer of Learning. She firmly believes that the key aim of learning in the workplace is to create tangible business benefits, and this is the platform on which she has built her global business. A recognized authority on the transfer of learning, Emma shares her passion through her writing, Turning Learning into Action: A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of Learning was published in 2014 by Kogan Page.

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