Writing objectives well — making objectives tight, measurable, and highly targeted — is only half the challenge. Writing objectives, and attendant assessments, that speak to the human being who needs to achieve those objectives is the other half. Special educators have long faced this issue. Data collection and analysis, relentless and accurate assessment, behavioral principles, engagement issues, and learner-centered delivery are all long-practiced staples of special education. Because special educators have been doing this for so long and are legally mandated to PROVE educational benefit, special-education assessment practices are very valuable for addressing eLearning assessment issues.

Participants in this session will learn how to leverage tried and true practices from special education to eLearning. From a learning discipline that has been evolving these practices long before the Internet or eLearning even existed, you’ll learn how to write objectives well, how to develop assessments that PROVE that your learners are meeting those objectives, and how creativity is as important in designing assessments as it is in designing other elements of eLearning.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The difference between a goal and an objective
  • What makes an assessment “true”
  • How to use reinforcers in assessments to increase engagement
  • How to generate a sense of ownership in learners, especially about assessment 

