As eLearning designers and developers, many of us have needed to create interactive learning experiences in a short time frame. Managers and clients want more and more interactions developed in less and less time. We are pushed to be more creative, faster, and more cost-efficient, but we know that our work still must be engaging and instructionally sound. So what happens when the creative juices run out, when you’re staring at your computer thinking, How can I possibly make these pages of droning content interesting?

Participants in this session will learn about the interaction library Highmark has constructed to rapidly build engaging interactions. You’ll view example interactions, see how these interactions help present otherwise mundane facts and information in an engaging and visually appealing way, and come away with ideas for developing your own library.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to present text-based content in simple, engaging ways
  • How to repurpose interactions for different learning content
  • How to work with your team to build an interaction library
  • Where to find various resources to help you build your interaction library

