For years, we have seen a steady improvement of learning technologies such as Learning Management Systems (LMSs). But recent years have brought an exponential rise in the quality and effectiveness of consumer cloud-based tools that essentially serve the same functions (document sharing, communication, collaboration) quicker, simpler, and cheaper PLUS support social networking, collective knowledge creation, crowdsourcing development, and so on. Anyone involved in the development, implementation, assessment, and strategic positioning of e-Learning must quickly understand these new developments and their implications for the technologies they continue to deploy, the curricula they develop, and the value of formal and informal social learning.

Participants in this case-study session will learn how Pepperdine's Graziadio School of Business and Management developed GLEAN, a "personal collection of online tools to learn, gather, discover, and form insights, bit by bit." Powered by Google Apps, GLEAN is a stable framework that integrates and uniformly authenticates traditional learning systems with an ever-growing collection of “long-tail” Enterprise 2.0 tools. You’ll learn about GLEAN's technological infrastructure, implementation, rollout, ongoing support, and assessment.

In this session, you will learn:


  • What Enterprise 2.0 is, and how it is being adopted in business and education
  • The fundamental principles of 21st century learner-centered pedagogies
  • How social media and Enterprise 2.0 enables such pedagogies, and already enables our students — with or without us
  • New strategies for Enterprise 2.0 use, integration, and adoption
  • How Enterprise 2.0 and Personal Learning Environments are moving to replace traditional enterprise-level LMSs

