E-Learning offers the designer/developer a plethora of learning methods, including audio, animation, and simulations as well as still graphics, text, and traditional practice exercises. But many dollars are wasted on creating e-Learning that violates basic human learning psychology. Useful evidence suggesting how to best use instructional modes and methods is buried in technical reports typically inaccessible to busy practitioners. What does research evidence tell us about best practices for leveraging these features in ways that support human learning? Based on Ruth Clark’s best selling new book Evidence-based Training Methods, this session will provide participants with an overview of the latest evidence around questions they face every day in e-Learning design and development.
In this session, participants will learn the core features of working memory that you must support during learning. Then you will apply evidence pointing to the best ways to use instructional modes, methods, and architectures in synchronous and asynchronous e-Learning.
In this session, you will learn:
- Three main features of working memory that you must accommodate in digital learning environments
- Key methods proven to manage mental load during learning
- Key methods to promote engagement in working memory that leads to learning
- The fads and facts behind learning styles
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