Gamification has endured the cycles of hype and disillusionment and has settled into being a reliable option for many learning developers, yet a lot of confusion and misunderstanding remain about why and how it works. Join this interactive session to explore some of the long-standing myths and uncover some of the hidden treasures in the gamification toolbox. We will dig into theories that turn good instructional designs into highly effective, gameful learning experiences! 

Collectively, the group will choose their own adventure based on a series of topics. Along the way, we will gather tips about using small wins to lead to big results, making progress visible to create seemingly magical outcomes, and how goal-setting apps and techniques can benefit neurodivergent learners.

In this session, you will:


  • Explore psychological theories from gamification that improve learner engagement and outcomes.
  • Discover how game elements like surprise, goal setting, and progress tracking affect learners.
  • Curate new tools, tips, and techniques that you can use immediately in your specific context.



Session Video