Smartphones and tablets are providing some very compelling benefits for learning—and creating some very real business risks, too. In many cases, learners want to take training on their personal devices, potentially exposing sensitive corporate data. In many organizations, mLearning development and implementation must meet the needs of workers while also ensuring that the corporate data is properly managed and secured across all devices, regardless of who owns the hardware. How can you realize the benefits of mLearning while minimizing the risk?
Participants in this session will review examples of mobile-security policies that have proven effective. You can use these examples with your corporate IT department to develop your own mobile-security policy, and use that policy to implement practices and control measures that effectively mitigate business risk. Before you launch your next mLearning project, be sure you’ll be able to keep your organization’s sensitive data in the appropriate hands!
In this session, you will learn:
- About the evolution of mobile-security policies
- Why it is important to work with IT on mobile-security policies
- How to create mobile-security policies and standards for your organization
- The importance of ongoing updates, checks, and maintenance of mobile security
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