108 Crafting Project Proposals That Align with the Business

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Wednesday, March 15

Every day, L&D leaders work hard to partner with the business. They engage in conversations to gain the buy-in and funding to add new and emerging tech to their learning toolbox. Far too often, though, these conversations fall flat because leaders use L&D-speak instead of business speak and lack the confidence to ask for what they need.

This session provides:

  • A simple framework for creating internal business plan proposals that win
  • Techniques for developing empathy for the business by understanding their point of view and speaking their language
  • Practice leveraging a story-based framework to deliver your solution in the context of what is most important to the business, resulting in improved communication and accelerated business buy-in for XR or any new tech

Mike Simmons


Catalyst A.C.T.S

Mike Simmons is an enabler and a coach. He helps leaders and professionals breakthrough the challenge of second-guessing their work. He does this through a combination of frameworks, process, tools, and thinking. He takes a beginner's mind approach to the work he does, starting with questions informed by experience, practice, and doing the work. Possessing more than two decades of operations, consulting, customer success, sales, sales operations leadership experience; 15 of those years were in the EdTech space where Mike helped numerous clients achieve success through the application of innovative technology to their learning, skills development, and behavior change challenges.

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