E-Learning salaries worldwide grew 2.0% this past year with an overall average global e-Learning salary of $76,852. Compensation is also climbing in the United States (U.S.). The average e-Learning salary in the U.S. grew by 0.8% to $79,890.

Having primarily published U.S.-centric reports in the past, this is The eLearning Guild’s first global salary and compensation report. The data included in this report represents survey responses from 9,106 eLearning Guild members worldwide. Given the growth in worldwide eLearning Guild members, we are pleased that this year we have enough data to publish global compensation results.

In this report, Temple Smolen explores the trends in global pay both worldwide and for specific countries. Salary growth rates are compared to inflation rates. In addition, she delves into unique areas of variance across gender, status, designation, and other compensation. Temple also evaluates average e-Learning salaries across employer and employee variables, which are used in a salary calculator to help readers compute baseline salaries with their own unique variables.
