The average salary of a person who lives in the United States and works in e-Learning is $79,252.

Total United States compensation and salaries in the e-Learning field are trending upwards. After a small downward dip in 2008, overall compensation is back on the rise. That earlier downward trend correlated well to the economic downturn, but it mainly consisted of a decrease in full-time contractor pay during that turbulent time. Regular full-time employee pay in e-Learning remained relatively steady during the economic crisis, and in fact, even climbed slightly.

In the year leading up to January 2010, the average U.S. e-Learning salary was $79,252. In addition to salary, the average additional compensation, including tuition, bonuses, and continuing education spending, was $7,541 for an average total compensation of $86,793.

Each year, The eLearning Guild publishes a Salary and Compensation Report reflecting the most current data reported directly from members. The data in this report represents the information from over 6,000 members as of January 2010. In addition, since we have collected data for several years now and can show historical patterns, we are pleased to publish overall compensation trend data for the first time.
