
SC06 SpeakerChat with Steve Foreman

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Thursday, October 29

SpeakerChat is an informal hosted conversation that allows you to tap into the expertise of one of the industry experts highlighted in DDX Featured Sessions.

Today’s SpeakerChat Guest is Steve Foreman.

During these live discussions, you will be able to pose questions in session chat that enable us all to dig deeper into what the speaker shared in their featured session. You'll be able to pick the speaker’s brain for additional ideas and tips, and the unscripted nature can allow us to take the discussion in exciting new directions.

Session evaluation

Steve Foreman


InfoMedia Designs

Steve Foreman is the author of The LMS Guidebook and president of InfoMedia Designs, a provider of eLearning infrastructure consulting services and technology solutions to large companies, academic institutions, professional associations, government, and military. Steve works with forward-looking organizations to find new and effective ways to apply computer technology to support human performance. His work includes enterprise learning strategy, learning and performance ecosystem solutions, LMS selection and implementation, learning-technology architecture and integration, expert-knowledge harvesting, knowledge management, and innovative performance-centered solutions that blend working and learning.

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