
Welcome to the xAPI Cohort Community

You have successfully registered for the xAPI Cohort, starting February 2, 2023.

This semester, look forward to

Learning at any level
Whether you're brand new to xAPI or looking to build your experience with it, this semester will be filled with everything from introductory information to practical how-tos and in-depth discussions on what's next for our industry.

Connecting with peers around the world
xAPI Cohort is entirely virtual, which means anyone can join from anywhere. Participants will learn not only from the coursework itself but also from their colleagues, creating a unique opportunity for networking and professional development.

Receiving session recordings right in your inbox
Every session is recorded and available for replay to keep your schedule stress-free! Sessions are emailed in a weekly update to registered participants, making it easy to keep up with the course at your own pace.

Let's Connect.

Join the conversation on Slack.

Slack is an online collaboration tool where much discussion and learning in the xAPI Cohort happens. If you’re not familiar with Slack, watch this YouTube video. While that's not our xAPI Cohort Slack, it is informative about the basics.

  • If you are new to xAPI Cohort's Slack workspace, Please use this link:. Feel free to jump in right away!

  • If you are returning to Slack from a previous xAPI Cohort, the Slack Workspace and your previous credentials are the same. Slack will let you reset your password if necessary.

Once you've signed into the xAPI Cohort Slack, introduce yourself in the #social channel—Tell us who you are, what you do, what got you interested in xAPI, and if you have any ideas for a project.

Join the conversation on social media with the hashtags #xAPI #xAPICohort

Follow @xAPIGnome on Twitter.

The Gnome will be tweeting about the xAPI Cohort and sharing valuable resources.

Establishing teams and determining the scope of your project will be one of the first things we'll tackle so—if you haven't already—start thinking about what kind of project you'd like to work on for xAPI Cohort. Spark some project ideas by checking out some of our past weekly sessions. We'll have some seed ideas and problems, but you're welcome to form your own team.

If you have any questions, give us a shout by email or visit the #discuss-faq-and-cohort-tips in Slack.