Participant Agreement and Waiver
Thank you for registering for Learning 2021 Conference held by CSM Learning LLC, a subsidiary of CloserStill Learning Technologies LLC (“CloserStill”). We are excited that you have chosen to join us for this in-person event and look forward to welcoming you.
As you prepare for the event, please review the information below. All event participants are required to sign this agreement prior to the beginning of the event. We regret that participants who have not completed and signed this agreement prior to the start of the event will not be permitted into the event space. CloserStill also encourages all participants to read the Terms and Conditions on our Website here. Please note, all event participants may be required to complete a health screening before entering the event space each day.
Assumption of Risk, Release, and Waiver of Liability
I, the undersigned, understand that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified COVID-19 as a highly contagious disease that can be transmitted asymptomatically and can lead to severe illness and death. I recognize that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses exists in any public place where people are present. Current knowledge about the spread and potential treatment of COVID-19 is limited and evolving. In accordance with CDC, state, and city guidelines, CloserStill has put in preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, I understand that CloserStill cannot eliminate the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease in connection with my in-person participation at the event.
In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the event provided by CloserStill and its affiliated vendors, partners and sponsors, including in each case, without limitation, their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents, I hereby FOREVER RELEASE, WAIVE and DISCHARGE any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature against CloserStill, including, without limitation, all liability, injury, damage, loss, or expense that may arise, directly or indirectly, now or in the future, regardless of whether caused by the negligence on the part of CloserStill, in connection with my participation in the event.
By participating in the event, I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS RELATED TO EXPOSURE TO COVID-19 or other communicable diseases. I promise not to sue CloserStill for any of the claims that I have released, waived, and discharged. I hereby assume all risk of personal injury, damage and expense related to my participation in, and travel to and from, the event.
I understand this release and waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law, and that if any portion of this release and waiver is held invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect. This release and waiver shall extend to and be binding upon me and my estate, heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives.
I understand and agree that the laws of the State of Florida will apply to this agreement. I understand that my participation in the event is completely voluntary on my part and permitted at CloserStill’s discretion, and I agree to abide by all policies and procedures as established by CloserStill. If my conduct does not meet reasonable standards of behavior, including without limitation following instructions provided by CloserStill and its Code of Conduct, my participation in the event may be revoked.
By clicking “Yes, I agree...” I signify that I have read the Assumption of Risk, Release, and Waiver of Liability, understand it and its terms and conditions, understand and agree that an electronic acceptance process will apply, and agree to be bound legally by it and its terms and conditions.