This article started out to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) and learning analytics can be used to produce eLearning. That idea did not last long before I ran into trouble: digital transformation. (The part about learning analytics sounded good but it did not survive the crash. Another time perhaps.)

Digital transformation

"Digital transformation" turned out to be difficult to define, although AI is involved, at least in places. A whitepaper from American software company Red Hat explains it this way: "Digital transformation is what's happening to organizations as they adopt new and innovative ways to do business based on technological advances. It's the process of fundamentally changing something using digital tools and describes adopting technology and—potentially—cultural changes to improve or replace whatever was there before." Seriously, you should read the whole whitepaper soon. I have the feeling that instructional design is right at the brink of digital transformation.

Nevertheless, this article is now about using AI to do some things that we usually think of as involving soft skills. I am telling you this now because in two paragraphs I will give you some examples of opportunities for digital transformation and artificial intelligence.

Digital transformation is a recent trend, one that is emerging. For eLearning designers, understanding the impact of digital transformation on their work and on the workplace, along with the use of artificial intelligence to support it, is crucial. AI is already revolutionizing digital transformation. However, many people seem to think of chatbots, search engines, and Siri as the extent of digital transformation. But the range goes far beyond just talking robots.


In this article, I am about to point out some examples of opportunities for digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence. Many examples of digital transformation do not involve application to learning but instructional designers will benefit from recognizing how widespread the trend has become. The benefits to designers include recognizing just how digital transformation will change their world of work in the immediate future, how those changes will still require facilitating learning, understanding that artificial intelligence will bring more opportunity than job loss, and better work experience.

Here are four opportunity examples for digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence. These examples already exist and are in use today.

  • One example is the identification and closing of skill gaps, allowing for more efficient training solutions. AI can identify these gaps and facilitate the solutions.
  • AI can also improve customer service with chatbots and proactive apps that can anticipate needs or connect customers to human representatives.
  • AI can boost employee engagement by enabling individuals to connect with one another and making it possible to better comprehend their colleagues' emotions.
  • Moreover, AI can be used to improve emotional intelligence by helping employees better understand and regulate their own feelings, as well as those of others.

The role of AI

By leveraging AI in these ways, digital transformation can create a more efficient and enjoyable working environment for everyone involved. With its potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology, AI is becoming an increasingly important factor in digital transformation that eLearning designers should be aware of.

Digital transformation is already revolutionizing many aspects of the way we live, work, and interact with technology. To stay ahead of the curve, eLearning designers must understand the role of AI in this process. By implementing AI-driven solutions in their workflow, they can harness the power of digital transformation to create more efficient and engaging learning experiences.

AI-driven solutions offer a wide range of opportunities beyond those mentioned earlier. By understanding the potential of these solutions, eLearning designers can make informed decisions on how to best implement them into their designs.

Learn more at DevLearn and Learning & HR Tech Solutions

It is my hope that readers who attend the Learning Guild's upcoming DevLearn (October 25-27, 2023 in Las Vegas, NV) and the Learning & HR Tech Solutions Conference (April 23-25, 2024 in Orlando, FL) will do two things during the events. First, attend sessions that broaden and deepen their understanding of digital transformation and artificial intelligence, as well as meet with vendors in the Expos to gain a better understanding of the current and near-term state of the art. Second, engage in discussions with fellow attendees about their aspirations for the upcoming changes and how their careers, lives, and contributions will bring joy and satisfaction to themselves and their colleagues.