In 2016, Learning Solutions Magazine published 300 articles, written by dozens of professionals from within The eLearning Guild community of practice. These attracted readers from around the world in the course of the year.

In 2017, we intend to publish even more. To do that, we need more writers—and we hope that includes you!—to submit article proposals for consideration. The process is simple; it’s described online here.

What kind of articles do we accept? Previously unpublished, non-promotional content that will be of interest to instructional designers, to users of authoring tools and ancillary software, and to their managers. Our readers have a broad range of skills and experience, from those who have not yet started their first online learning project to those with years of experience. Look at what we have published in the last six months to get an idea of topics and style, and remember that all of our readers are already committed to eLearning and that they read Learning Solutions Magazine because they are looking for ideas, for tips, and for solutions.

Article lengths in the magazine are generally in the range of 500 to 1,500 words. Screenshots, photos, and charts are essential parts of a good article, and you should include them as appropriate. However, we are not looking for infographics—these are problematic for the large number of our readers who access the magazine on their smartphones. We also insist that writers own or have permission to use all content submitted to the magazine.

While we will be publishing large numbers of articles, every article must stand on its own merits. The process is competitive: Not every proposal gets accepted for publication. Please remember to begin by sending only a brief outline (three short paragraphs) of what you would like to write about; don’t send a finished article until your proposal is accepted.

This year promises to be exciting and filled with new developments. I look forward to working with you to share your work, your ideas, and your experience with our readers!

Best regards,

Bill Brandon
Learning Solutions Magazine