801 The Why and How of App Building with Glide
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, April 22
An app produced with Glide can provide your organization a "just-in-time" solution for employees to access information when they need it. Not only is it convenient for users, but you also build from a Google Sheet with no coding and it affords you an unlimited number of users. In this session, we'll review how an app was put together and how using components and filters brings the content to life. You'll see how easy it is to customize by adding images, a color scheme, a logo, and a theme. Finally, you'll learn about privacy settings and publishing it on the web.

Cath Ellis
Learning Experience Designer
Cath Ellis Learning Design
Cath Ellis is a freelance learning experience designer at Cath Ellis Learning Design, a boutique eLearning company in Victoria, Australia. She has more than two decades of experience creating award-winning learning experiences for clients across the globe. She has a bachelor of adult learning and development and a master of digital technology in education from the University of Melbourne.