201 Uncover the Secrets from a Game-based Shoplifting Awareness Course
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Wednesday, April 21
Following a process to the letter not only ensures employees get the right results, but it can also keep the company from a legal nightmare! Learn about the design and development of this shoplifting course made for Tiffany & Co. using Articulate Storyline 360, Filmic Pro, and an iPhone. You'll see how a game teaches, with repetition, the fundamental concepts. As learners proceed they apply what they learned in video scenarios from an actual store and are asked how to handle the particular situations.
William Everhart
Lead Developer
Artisan E-Learning
William Everhart is a lead developer at Artisan E-Learning, helping clients fulfill their learning needs. His favorite thing in life is witnessing "aha!" moments in his students’ faces—that moment when they finally grasp a concept or technique that has eluded them for so long. As an Adobe Certified Instructor, William has taught thousands and continues to do so as a contributing author at LinkedIn Learning and Pluralsight. Through classroom training, one-on-one coaching, and online programs, he helps people learn to create amazing learning content.
Amy Morrisey
Artisan E-Learning
Amy Morrisey, president of Artisan E-Learning, has spent her career in learning and development. Before working with Artisan, Amy spent 17 years in corporate training as a classroom trainer and executive coach teaching sales training and coaching international teams to deliver persuasive business case presentations. Amy has helped Artisan define its culture, drive business goals with real data, and realize operational efficiencies to double production capacity. While the day-to-day operation of the company takes most of her time, her passion for giving learners solid training with actionable results means that she's usually elbow-deep in a project or two as well.