New rapid-development tools and authoring environments enter the market every year. The marketing of a rapid tool, besides the obvious use of the word “rapid,” relies on the tool’s ability to handle “complicated” programming.

Participants in this session will hear arguments in the tool selection and design of an e-Learning development pipeline, learn how tool selection can impact the quality of the end result, and discuss the pros and cons of rapid versus more traditional tool use in real-world production environments. You will learn how to deconstruct the marketing of rapid tools, including such phrases as “empower anyone,” “make everyone involved,” “focus on content, not complicated programming,” “easily integrate,” “rapidly creating courses is a must for many organizations,” “makes interactive learning easy,” and “do it ourselves.” You’ll learn that even with a rapid tool, e-Learning development is problem solving, and technical problems will still exist.

In this session, you will learn:


  • Rapid tools can limit design and development flexibility, decrease quality and learner engagement, and drive mediocrity
  • Rapid tools can actually increase development time
  • Rapid tools can require future buy-in for course maintenance

