205 Collaborative Case Study: Talent Development Framework
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Wednesday, July 26
In addition to focusing on direct employee needs, L&D must also support the larger growth strategy of the organization. Put your skills and experience to the test! Join your peers to plan for future growth, as you're asked to to centralize talent management and develop an ideal framework to support the company's projected expansion.

Mark Britz
Director of Event Programming
Learning Guild
Mark Britz is the director of event programming at The Learning Guild. Previously he worked for more than 15 years designing and managing learning solutions with organizations such as Smartforce, Pearson Digital Learning, the SUNY Research Foundation, Aspen Dental Management, and Systems Made Simple. Mark is also an organizational social designer, helping businesses achieve the benefits of becoming more connected and collaborative to improve learning and engagement. Mark is the author of Social By Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company, and regularly presents and writes about the use of social media for learning, collaborative networks, and organizational design.