Best of DemoFest 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Pacific Time
People learn through seeing and hearing about other people's experiences and what better way to do just this than to see everyday learning projects created by people just like you! The Best of DevLearn DemoFest webinar highlights projects from DemoFest at DevLearn 2022 Conference & Expo, where attendees shared information about learning projects they have worked on. In this webinar, you will:
- See learning solutions created by your peers
- Learn about the tools and technologies used to create these projects
- Hear about the obstacles faced along the way and how they were overcome
- Leave with inspiration that can be applied in your work
Join us on Wednesday November 16 at 10:00 AM PT, to explore projects showcased during DemoFest and discover new ideas that will help you overcome challenges in your work and add new life to your projects.

Best in Show: Vendor
Collaborative Island Escape Game
Rose Benedicks & Beth Beaupre

Best in Show: Non-Vendor
Adaptive Dashboard for Diversity Network
Becky Goldberg

Best Student Project
Nana's Remedies—An Interactive eLearning Experience
Vishakha Hegde

Best Alternative (Other) Project
Interactive Leadership Competencies Self-Assessment
Tracy Parish

Best Game-Based Project
Who Hacked?—A Microsoft Learn Cloud Game
Jaime McDonald & Katie Kinsella

Best Immersive/Simulation Project
Bottling Plant Virtual Tour
Tim Biery

Best Onboarding Project
TA Employee Training Hub
Jeff Batt

Best Performance Support Project
Personalized Stock Management Software Training Course
Garima Gupta

Best Personal Practice Project
Animated Narration for Adobe Character Animator and After Effects
Tia Roberts

Best Social/Soft Skills Project
A Trip of Unfortunate Events Game
Magali Verrengia & Franco Pomidoro

Best xAPI Project
xACTION: The Bridge Between xAPI and Enterprise Systems
Duncan Welder & Art Werkenthin