As data grows in complexity, it becomes imperative for L&D professionals to better understand how data can be actionable and taken advantage of for new opportunities in their work.
The eLearning Guild’s Data & Analytics Summit, on August 22 & 23, aims to uncover the big picture behind data, analytics, and content, as well as provide a better understanding of how data can be utilized in organizations.
Here are just some of the points that will be discussed:
- Identifying business metric frameworks using the right learning and development tools
- How to implement xAPI in instructional design
- Using hard data and soft data, and how to collect both for learning activities and outcomes
- How data is acting as a catalyst for change within eLearning
- An in-depth discussion of learning platforms
You can register for the event here, or get an eLearning Guild Plus Package to access this and all summits for the next year, plus much more.