Virtual, augmented, and enhanced reality applications are just about ready to explode into the consumer market. The inevitable explosion will mainstream this technology and change how we look at content forever, opening new opportunities for entertainment and also for how we connect, share, and learn. The eLearning Guild’s new free eBook, AR, VR, and Enhanced Realities: Seven Perspectives on the Potential and Risks for Learning, offers insights on these technologies from top names in the field.
Topics include:
- Joe Ganci and Sherry Larson on New Technologies: Do They Really Change Learning Strategies?
- David Kelly on Enhanced Realities: An Opportunity to Avoid the Mistakes of the Past
- Chad Udell on Let the Use Case Drive What Gets Augmented—Not the Other Way Around
- Alexander Salas on Augmented Reality: An Augmented Perspective
- Koreen Pagano on Virtual Reality Will Be the Perfect Immersive Learning Environment
- John O’Hare on Will VR Succeed? Viewpoint from Within a Large Corporation
- Ishai Jacob on Will VR Succeed? Viewpoint from Running a VR Start-up
This experienced and diverse group delves into every facet of augmented, virtual, and enhanced realities—offering seven different perspectives examining the possibilities and implications that these applications have for learning and performance. These are all topics that will be explored further at this year’s DevLearn Conference & Expo.
Download AR, VR, and Enhanced Realities: Seven Perspectives on the Potential and Risks for Learning for free today and discover how these technologies are transforming learning.
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