P05 BYOD: Using xAPI in the Real World
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday, October 21
Martinique AB
Effective online training content makes learning new skills, or enhancing current ones, accessible to everyone. But not all content is created equal, and in today's world of tighter budgets, you need to be able to demonstrate that your content impacts performance. One way to do that is by correlating people’s performance in your training. And the best way to get the data to describe their experiences is with the Experience API (xAPI). But xAPI is still new to many training practitioners. What data can you collect with xAPI? How can you collect it? And what does it take to start using xAPI? All of these questions can seem intimidating. But the good news is, they all have very friendly answers!
In this BYOD workshop, you'll take an in-depth, hands-on approach to using xAPI in your work by building practical examples that show how to get meaningful insights from it. First, you'll look at how xAPI works. Then, you'll break down xAPI to the basic elements and build working products to generate statements to send to a Learning Record Store. You'll look at what data can be collected about people’s experiences, how to build activity streams to analyze their experiences, and you'll learn how you can use that data to improve your courses to help your audience improve their performance with adaptive training, targeted for their individual needs. At the end of the session, you'll have the skills to comfortably begin using xAPI for your organization.
In this session, you will learn:
- The anatomy of an xAPI statement
- The benefits of Activity Streams
- How to send queries to get data back from your LRS
- Techniques for using the data you get back from your LRS
- When and where to use xAPI
- When and where NOT to use xAPI
- How to set up a Learning Record Store (LRS)
- What you need to implement xAPI in your organization
Designers, developers
Prerequisite knowledge:
This workshop is for people new to xAPI and does not require prior experience with it
Technology discussed in this session:
Experience API (xAPI) or Tin Can API, JavaScript, HTML5, Learning Record Stores (LRS), Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Participant technology requirements: (For BYOL sessions)
A laptop with a modern web browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera) and a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, TextWrangler, MS Studio Code, Sublime, Atom, emacs, etc.)
Anthony Altieri
IDIoT in Chief/xAPI Evangelist
Omnes Solutions
Anthony Altieri is the IDIoT in Chief (instructional developer for the Internet of Things) and founder of Omnes Solutions, as well as an xAPI evangelist, authoring a course on xAPI Foundations for LinkedIn Learning. Anthony has worked on multiple projects implementing global LMS systems. He is a maker, focusing on user analytics and bringing the virtual learning world and the real world together through the use of Bluetooth beacons and other IoT devices using xAPI. Anthony has lectured to audiences on topics ranging from the spread of HIV to network security, content development, why it’s important to learn to code, and, of course, xAPI.