503 Designing a Choose-Your-Own Adventure Video Course
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 24
Video & Media
Bermuda AB
The sounds of snores from the next cubical over are because Jerry had to take that old, stale compliance course. Anyone can phone it in, click "next", and answer "C" to every multiple choice question. But that video choose-your-own adventure course? Jerry's going to make decisions and see immediate feedback and consequences for his choices. He might even take the course again and again to see what the other outcomes he could get, giving him a fully-detailed understanding of the subject matter with just one lesson! Snores or engagement: which would you choose?
In this session, you’ll explore how to design a video choose-your-own adventure (CYOA) course for when "correct/incorrect" text isn't enough. Through creating a CYOA course, you’ll learn how to significantly increase engagement while reinforcing learning objectives. You’ll find out how using a decision tree approach can give your audience real-time feedback. You’ll then look at the development tools you can use to create this kind of video course, as well as how to craft immediate and consequential feedback for the choices people make.
In this session, you will learn:
- Which tools can be used to create decision trees
- Development methods to create a CYOA course
- How to create consequential feedback to user responses
- How to implement immediate feedback to user responses
- How to create multiple experiences with the same course, while arriving at the desired objective for each user
Designers, developers
Technology discussed:
Lucidchart, Articulate Storyline

Chris Perez
Senior eLearning Developer
Hitachi Vantara
Chris Perez, senior eLearning developer, got involved in education/training development with Hitachi Vantara in 2002. Chris focuses on web-based training development, video production, graphic design, HTML development, and learning technology consultation.

Aly Gillen
eLearning Developer, Instructional Designer
Hitachi Vantara
Aly Gillen began her career at Hitachi Vantara as a technical writer. This unrooted a deep interest in making training exciting and engaging and led to her growth as an education developer. She holds a BA in English and has written over half a dozen novels.