107 Sales Enablement Through Games? You Bet, and Bottom-Line Results Prove It!
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 23
Games and Gamification
Montego B
Research shows that sales training positively impacts productivity, quality, and financial results. Still, sales enablement through training can be difficult. Every minute a salesperson is away from selling costs the company money. You need fast, effective, and impactful models to develop sales training that works.
In this session, you’ll learn about digital and analog games that have helped increase sales trainee engagement, sales knowledge, and most importantly, sales results. Learn how one organization converted a live classroom role-play into an online simulation, increasing sales by 12 percent at the medical device company. See an example of how a customized card game helped sales representatives embrace role-plays. Discover how a VR sales environment is tracking sales behaviors and providing critical decision-by-decision feedback in a game-based realistic situation. Learn how a board game helped pharmaceutical sales representatives learn how to conduct a “whole office call” using consultative selling techniques. Gain ideas and insights for your own sales enablement efforts.
In this session, you will learn:
- How games can help sales professionals practice their skills
- How you can use games to teach complex systems to sales professionals
- About real world examples of the positive impact that sales simulations and games can have on a sales results
- Design principles that make sales-based learning interventions effective
Designers, managers, senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)

Karl Kapp
Commonwealth University
Karl Kapp, EdD, is a professor of instructional technology at Commonwealth University in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania who teaches instructional game design, gamification, and online learning design. He keeps busy internationally consulting, training, coaching, and counseling established companies, academic institutions, and startups. He co-founded L&D Mentoring Academy, which helps midcareer learning professionals move to the next level. Karl has authored many books and created several LinkedIn Learning courses. In 2019, he received the ATD Distinguished Contribution to Talent Development Award. His YouTube series, "The Unauthorized, Unofficial History of Learning Game," is his current passion project.

Mary Nicholson
Professor, Department of Instructional Technology
Bloomsburg University
Mary Nicholson has been teaching online courses for over 15 years. Mary’s focus and specialty is the design of interactive online activities and the use of social-media tools for creating dynamic online communities of practice. She bases her work and presentations on the best practices she includes in her own classes and workshops. Mary holds a PhD degree in educational psychology, an MEd degree in educational technology, and a BS degree in industrial education, all from Texas A&M University.