311 Learning Buzzword Bingo: Making Sense of the Hype
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wednesday, October 23
Instructional Design
Martinique B
Microlearning. Personalized learning. Learning styles. These are all buzzwords you've heard from vendors, at conferences, and on social media. The pace of technology development and implementation is increasing exponentially, and so is the number of buzzwords. Even if you try to keep abreast of the latest L&D trends, it's impossible to be an expert in everything. How do you know what to try right now, what to keep an eye on for the future, or what's industry hogwash?
In this session, you will learn from a panel of industry experts in the context of playing Bingo. (We are not kidding, you will actually be playing Bingo!) The game will guide a rapid-fire discussion about a wide variety of industry buzzwords with a focus on what's real, what's coming, and what's fake. Not only will you have fun and come away with a better understanding of how to make sense of the latest trends in L&D, you might win a prize!
In this session, you will learn:
- The myths that permeate our business
- Misconceptions that undermine effectiveness
- Why these problems and misconceptions are wrong, and what to do instead
- How to be a better consumer of L&D products
Designers, managers, senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)

Clark Quinn
Chief Learning Strategist
Upside Learning
Clark Quinn, PhD is the executive director of Quinnovation, co-director of the Learning Development Accelerator, and chief learning strategist for Upside Learning. With more than four decades of experience at the cutting edge of learning, Dr. Quinn is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and author of seven books. He combines a deep knowledge of cognitive science and broad experience with technology into strategic design solutions that achieve innovative yet practical outcomes for corporations, higher-education, not-for-profit, and government organizations.

Chad Udell
Chief Strategy Officer
Float and SparkLearn
Chad Udell is the award-winning managing partner, strategy and new product development, at Float and SparkLearn. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to create experiences for 20 years. Chad is an expert in mobile design and development, and speaks at events on related topics. He is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor/author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success and Shock of the New.

Jennifer Solberg
Quantum Improvements Consulting
Jennifer Solberg, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Quantum Improvements Consulting (QIC), an Orlando-based firm specializing in the application of emerging technology to training for complex skills. A cognitive psychologist by trade, her work focuses on how to design, develop, implement, and evaluate training technology for the Department of Defense and other clients. At QIC, she leads a growing team of learning science professionals. In addition to her many peer-reviewed publications, her work has been featured in The New York Times, the Pentagon Channel, and Signal Magazine.