101 A 2020 View of UI Design Trends
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 23
St Croix AB
Each day we are exposed to multitudes of user interfaces (UI) in media, marketing, and design, all geared to grab our attention. Specific techniques are used to draw us to the next item, scroll down, click here/there, make that purchase, watch that video, or look at that picture. Adopting these techniques and implementing them into our eLearning designs can have a similar engaging impact on learners.
In this session, you will learn about current and future UI design trends from the web, marketing, and graphic designs. We'll examine what these trends are, why they are useful, where are they heading, and how they are being incorporated into instructional design projects. This will be of interest to anyone that is designing and developing instructional materials. You will understand the current trends in mainstream media, and how we can utilize this appeal to improve our own design processes. Together we will explore and see how these design elements can and have been used in eLearning development.
In this session, you will learn:
- Top design elements that are trending in web, marketing, and graphic design media
- Why these elements are important to users and designers
- How we can incorporate these design trends into our own projects
- Where to find examples, inspiration, and resources to incorporate into your own designs
Designers, developers
Technology discussed:

Tracy Parish
Education Technology Specialist
Parish Creative Solutions
Tracy Parish is an accomplished instructional designer, eLearning developer, and consultant based in the Greater Toronto area. With a unique blend of skills in computer programming, adult education, and eLearning design/development, she has built a successful career in instructional design. With over 18 years of experience in instructional design, development, LMS implementation and administration, Tracy is a respected figure in her field. She is a speaker, active Articulate Community Hero, co-host of the Toronto Storyline User Group and webcast Nerdy Shop Talk, the marketing director for the Canadian eLearning Conference, and moderator of the monthly Twitter event #lrnchat.