404 Elevating L&D's Value to the Business
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, October 24
Management and Strategy
Martinique A
For decades, learning & development has been wishing for "a seat at the table" with senior leaders. So, why is it so hard to get there? The reasons may be rooted in our legacy as a training function that taught workers to perform predictable tasks and repeatable procedures. Today's work is less predictable; more creative and fluid. Yet in many organizations, L&D's training legacy continues to impact our work processes and outputs, which, in turn affects how we are perceived.
In this session, you’ll explore the approaches through which L&D can become more business savvy, strategic, and agile to meet the challenges of today's work environment. You'll investigate ways to communicate with senior leaders so you can identify and solve the problems that concern them most. You'll also discuss the capabilities, skills, tools, and approaches L&D organizations need to make our solutions more strategic, direct, effective, and instantly available.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to support the constantly evolving needs of workers
- How to enhance strategic thinking among L&D staff
- How to advance strategic L&D skills, capabilities, processes, and infrastructure
- How to build credibility and trust with senior leaders
- How to elevate L&D's value to the business
Designers, developers, managers, senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)
Steve Foreman
InfoMedia Designs
Steve Foreman is the author of The LMS Guidebook and president of InfoMedia Designs, a provider of eLearning infrastructure consulting services and technology solutions to large companies, academic institutions, professional associations, government, and military. Steve works with forward-looking organizations to find new and effective ways to apply computer technology to support human performance. His work includes enterprise learning strategy, learning and performance ecosystem solutions, LMS selection and implementation, learning-technology architecture and integration, expert-knowledge harvesting, knowledge management, and innovative performance-centered solutions that blend working and learning.