502 Design for Outcome: Developing an xAPI Data Strategy
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 24
Data and Measurement
Antigua A
xAPI enables us to track a wide array of data but shareholders are interested in results, not the technology. Simply tracking everything is not a strategy and often creates noise that makes xAPI data more difficult to use. Instead, you need to step back to identify WHAT needs to be tracked with xAPI, and only afterward go through the process to design quality statements.
In this session you'll explore a process for designing good xAPI statements, regardless of the tools or technology used to generate this data. You'll investigate the following questions to create an xAPI data strategy: What is the desired outcome, what are the report and query capabilities of your LRS to deliver those results, can you actually get the data required, and what existing vocabularies exist for the statements you create? Using real life examples and current tools, by the end of this session you’ll be ready to develop a data strategy to meet your current and future needs with meaningful xAPI data.
In this session, you will learn:
- The anatomy of an xAPI statement
- The query capabilities and limitations of xAPI data
- A process for designing interactions for quality results
- Common pitfalls for xAPI projects
- Where to find resources to expand your xAPI capabilities
Designers, developers, managers
Technology discussed:
xAPI, LRS, rapid development authoring tools, business intelligence tools, xAPI libraries and profiles
Art Werkenthin
Art Werkenthin, president of RISC, built his first learning management system (LMS) in 1988 and now has over 25 years' experience working with LMS in the oil and gas, retail, finance, and other industries. Art is keenly interested in the xAPI specification, and RISC was an early adopter of this technology. Interested in expanding the xAPI to the LMS, Art has served for the past three years on the ADL cmi5 committee. In 2015, RISC demonstrated the first implementation of a cmi5 runtime engine embedded in its LMS. Art has presented on cmi5 at several conferences, including mLearnCon, DevLearn, and xAPI Camp.
Duncan Welder
Director of Client Services
Duncan Welder is a director of client services for RISC. He is an educational technology geek, having spent over 20 years implementing learning management systems, domestically and abroad, to manage regulatory compliance. As an xAPI evangelist with a career grounded in instructional design and eLearning, Duncan has provided presentations to professional organizations including the Connections Forum, The Learning Guild, and the Association for Talent Development. Duncan is an active member of the Houston ATD, currently serving as director of special interest groups.