713 Using Adapt to Create Engaging Learning Apps
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Friday, October 25
Andros A
When you're not a developer, installing frameworks using node, git, grunt and terminal can seem totally overwhelming. Type what? Where? Do what? How do I launch it? Oh, I give up! Then when you’ve finally bribed a developer to help you and you've got the framework working, what happens when it needs updating, or worse, stops working? The Adapt framework and builder have been somewhat confusing for many, and that's not to mention the lack of customization in the builder. What if there was an option out there that offered the Adapt Builder hosted in the cloud? Well there is, and it's fantastic.
In this session, you'll get a crash course in designing engaging learning apps using the Adapt Builder. You'll discover what the difference is between the Open Source Adapt Framework, Open Source Adapt Builder, and Learning Pool's Adapt Builder. You'll learn about the basics with an overview of articles, blocks, and components. Next, you’ll find out how customizing the menu and theme can bring your content in Adapt to life. You'll have the opportunity to see how the presentation and question components work, and how adding custom extensions adds more functionality. Finally, you'll find out more about publishing modules with Google Analytics, SCORM, and xAPI.
In this session, you will learn:
- Why you would want to use Adapt
- The benefits of using Adapt
- How to chunk content down into Adapt
- How to customize Adapt
- How to test/review/deploy Adapt
Designers, developers, managers
Technology discussed:
Learning Pool's Adapt Builder
Cath Ellis
Learning Experience Designer
Cath Ellis Learning Design
Cath Ellis is a freelance learning experience designer at Cath Ellis Learning Design, a boutique eLearning company in Victoria, Australia. She has more than two decades of experience creating award-winning learning experiences for clients across the globe. She has a bachelor of adult learning and development and a master of digital technology in education from the University of Melbourne.