506 Making New Ideas a Reality: Strategies for Choosing the Right Tools, Team & Approaches
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 24
Management and Strategy
Barbados AB
It’s great when your boss finally jumps on board with all the bright ideas that you’ve been pitching. Well, until you consider you might never have done this before or the scope of your plan is beyond the current capacity of your team. How do you implement a modern vision for your courseware without breaking the bank? Do you need external support? Can your team do it all? Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Maybe, but maybe not. A strong strategy to select your team, tools, and projects will help you put your money where your mouth is.
In this session, you’ll find out how to choose the right approaches to make your project a reality. You’ll learn to maximize the different people at your disposal to start your project on the right foot and achieve the desired effect. You’ll explore how to choose the right software for the job, learning how to leverage what you already own, and then select new tools to add variety. Online content? Videos? Whiteboard videos? 3D models? The type of software that you choose will have an effect on your course, so you’ll then explore different options for creating engaging content. Finally, you’ll look at strategies for working with your team and SMEs to meet your goals. You’ll leave this session able to plan your next projects to deliver results to your boss the next time the good idea fairy visits.
In this session, you will learn:
- What strategies can help you succeed with implementing ambitious new ideas
- Who should be on your team to help these ideas happen
- What types of attainable software can achieve big results
- How to find creative solutions to help you make your big ideas come to life.
Designers, managers
Technology discussed in this session:
Modest 3D, Whiteboard video software, rapid authoring tools, Domiknow, H5P
Luc Blanchette
Techno-pedagogical Advisor
Universitv© de l'Ontario Franvßais
Dr. Luc Blanchette is a seasoned learning and development professional. During his 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, he worked as a training development officer in a variety of positions and training establishments. He has advised various organizations on how to implement modern training solutions. He has been involved in a variety of aspects of training modernization such as online learning, blended learning, driver simulation, online assessment, instructor development, alternate training delivery and change management. He holds an undergraduate degree in adult education, a master's in distance education, and a doctorate in education with a specialization in instructional design.