206 Building Buy-In: Tips for Pitching New Ideas to Stakeholders
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 23
Management and Strategy
Trinidad AB
You've attended a great eLearning conference, read some amazing articles, and participated in some inspiring webinars. You're bursting with ideas to invigorate your team's eLearning offerings, but how do you persuade your department or client to share your vision? It's seldom enough to simply tell what you've learned and describe the possibilities. A successful pitch will show how your idea will come to life and improve eLearning performance. With both time and money at a premium, developing a successful pitch, especially one that includes a POC, can be difficult. But by investing in the effort and correctly framing your pitch with a clear "hook," you'll increase your chance of success.
In this session we’ll explore the benefits of developing proactive, creative pitches that showcase you and your team as forward-thinking, innovative leaders eager to keep abreast of emerging trends. Using recent examples and strategies from RPA, this session will show how investing time and effort in your pitch process will increase your chances of success. This session will also examine how pitches that may not win will still increase your standing and showcase your team. Finally, this session will provide specific strategies designed to help your teams develop new creative pitches and effective client presentations.
In this session, you will learn:
- Why a proactive approach to creative pitch development helps establish you and your team as forward-thinking, innovative leaders
- How a proactive approach to emerging technology and eLearning trends helps circumvent the pitfalls of reactive development
- How to maximize POCs to increase your pitch's chance of success
- The benefits of pitching proactive creative concepts, even when those pitches don't win
- Specific strategies to help your team develop new creative concepts and effective pitch presentations
Designers, developers, managers
Technology discussed in this session:
Augmented reality, virtual reality, chat bots, gamified simulations
Derek Brezette
Instructional Designer
Derek Brezette has 10 years' experience as both a secondary and post- secondary English teacher, where he worked with underserved student populations. As an instructional designer, Derek has created web-based instructional content for a variety of learner populations including online college students, commercial airline pilots, and automotive sales consultants.