113 Using Storytelling Strategies to Write Compelling Scenarios
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 23
Instructional Design
Bermuda AB
Scenarios are wonderful tools for encouraging changes in performance. Once we see ourselves in a story and are invited to take on a challenge familiar to us, we become more open to evaluating our own behavior. But bringing a scenario to life takes more than simply describing a situation and slapping a name on the protagonist. Transforming seemingly mundane tasks into powerful stories is something with which even the most prolific and celebrated writers struggle. Writing scenarios for elearning is challenging because it requires communication and storytelling abilities that instructional design programs and certification programs do not teach. IDs are left to their own devices when creating immersive stories for learners that keep them engaged, and simultaneously addresses the performance we want to change.
This session will help you identify when scenarios are best used, and then how to write them. We'll cover getting the information you need from SMEs to write a meaningful story, using a scenario design model that will help ensure your scenarios include the appropriate components, using strategic storytelling techniques like focusing on change and encouraging empathy, and using a tool called the story spine as a way to quickly structure scenarios and find key points.
In this session, you will learn:
- The role of scenarios in creating authentic learning experiences
- Three strategic techniques of storytelling to an existing training scenario
- How common writing techniques used in scenario writing can affect the learning experience
- How to find tools to help you construct stories
Technology discussed:
Microsoft Office Tools, online writing tools, ispring talkmaster

Hadiya Nuriddin
CEO and Learning Strategist
Duets Learning
Hadiya Nuriddin has two decades of experience in learning strategy, instructional design, eLearning development, and facilitation. She worked in corporate learning before choosing to found her firm, Duets Learning, where she's worked with a wide array of companies on a variety of topics. She speaks at events and industry conferences and travels teaching courses for the Association for Talent Development (ATD). Hadiya holds an MEd in curriculum studies, an MA in writing, and the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) designation. She is the author of the book StoryTraining: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect, published by ATD.