DevLearn 2019 Sessions
DevLearn 2019 has the largest, most comprehensive, most cutting-edge learning technologies program in the world. The event features over 200 world-class sessions covering key topics that will help you advance your skills and expertise in the management, design, and development of technology-based learning.
Hands-On Learning BYOD Sessions
Hands-On Learning BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) takes learning to the next level. In these sessions you will bring your mobile device or laptop, with the software being discussed installed, and have the unique opportunity to learn hands-on, following along with an instructor step-by-step.
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You’ve invested a lot of time and resources into your library of eLearning courses. They are good courses with sound instructional design, and yet usage is low. You’ve tried sending emails and posting notifications to the internal social media channels, but that only helped boost usage a little. You know more employees, partners, and customers could use the knowledge and skills held within these courses. So what do you try next?
Read MoreMaking onboarding videos can be time-consuming and a drain on resources. Finding ways to explain complex ideas while also keeping your employees engaged makes creating training videos even harder.
Read MoreWith the constant changing and evolution of technology, we need to understand what is possible and how to determine what is a fit for your audience. Join us for this in-depth look at what tools, design, and technologies we should focus on in learning today, and what’s just around the corner. We’ll dissect what technology will be enhancing learning, and what we need to get excited about and start planning how to integrate into our solutions. What can we learn from the buzz and new tools appearing in the consumer and corporate environments and how can we take advantage of them to help our audiences succeed? This fun session will give you dozens of ideas and reboot your brain with fresh perspectives on how to enhance your learning today.
Read MoreSMNX101 Ready for the Workforce of the Future? Shift Your Learning Programs To Be Relevant
Stage Program D
Bluewater has helped over 1,000 clients including ADP, United Airlines, and Frito Lays maximize their investments in HCM’s and LMS’s. As experts in the learning and training industry, their team has experimented with just about every digital training solution on the market. Yet, when they were looking for help keeping up with their own internal applications training on tools and processes, most fell short. Digital walkthrough solutions were bulky, labor intensive, and difficult to manage. LMS tools were great for storing tons of content, but terrible at surfacing that content at the point of engagement, within a user’s workflow.
Read MoreWait, before you issue that LxP RFP! All organizations need better tools to enable self-directed learning, optimize content discovery, and improve the overall learning experience. The rapidly-growing learning experience platform (LxP) category has emerged to achieve these aims by delivering functionality that learning management systems (LMSs) have long neglected. But with more and more shiny new products with bewildering feature sets entering the market by the day, buyers have been left asking “what exactly is an LxP?”
Read MoreThe day-to-day problems concerned with creating eLearning courses are all too familiar for those in the industry. While authoring and LMS tools have improved significantly, it is still very difficult to scale video production. The advent of AI-driven tools for video and audio generation will allow companies to deliver better and more customized learning material at a much faster pace.
Read MoreBusiness, and the way we do it, is undergoing rapid evolution. But as technology marches onwards, budgets are shrinking, and the demand is on learning leaders to create learning strategies that deliver business value. But where do you start?
Read MoreYou need to train your team, but your employees say they hate training. Why? Because most corporate training is broken; it’s often long, boring, and passive—resulting in very low retention rates. Training in the form of reading, lectures, audio, or visual presentations only yields 5 –30% retention rates. That means that 70% of your efforts are being wasted.
Read MoreDeveloping content that is meaningful, accessible, and maintainable in a world of multiple devices and varied platforms is a huge challenge.
Read MoreEvery year US companies spend more than $90 billion on training and development. Yet training managers continually feel pressure to do more with less—to achieve ever-more impactful results without corresponding increases to budgets.
Read MoreSEMT103 Masterful Blend: Meet Instilled LXP. You Can Have it All
Stage Program C
While working with some of the world’s largest organizations, we noticed a common problem. Companies need to create engaging, measurable learning experiences that delight learners AND deliver on a universal business goal: efficiency.
Read MoreConnected learning is a game-changer. It’s about taking a holistic, joined-up approach to learning that is more aligned with learning as an organic, human activity. In this session, we explore how it’s possible to support learning as an organic activity (not forced, but rather enabled) within your organization. We will show that by taking a step back to consider how people naturally learn, you can connect effective learning with organizational goals. You will also see examples of how learning ecosystems (however simple or complex) enable connected learning. It’s as much data-driven and iterative as it is about providing an engaging learner journey.
Read MoreDigital transformation is about tools and technology, but it is even more about a successful change management process within the organization. This journey needs to engage every contributor within the organization in order to foster and drive a mindset of agility, ownership, innovation, performance, and success. Gamification, and especially business simulations, can facilitate that process of engaging minds and souls to define your digital transformation strategy and roadmap, and execute it successfully.
Read MoreStage Program E
Are you struggling with scaling your training and development? Are you frustrated with managing different tools to deliver your training programs? Find out how VMware implemented a solution that helped scale training efforts and create a seamless learning environment.
Read MoreMany of us would say that measuring the success of L&D is the hardest part of our job. And with new advances in learning technology, more data is available to us than ever before. But once you have this data, what do you do with it? How do you make sure what you're measuring is useful? How do you interpret it and present it so your audience cares? There is a whole new set of skills for your team to develop to be able to do this well. By spending time improving the data skills within your L&D team, you will become better partners to the business, make more informed decisions about your work, and open up high-impact, high-value conversations across your team.
Read More1:15 PM Wed, October 23
Track: Management and Strategy
Even though opening a can of worms is better than kicking a bag of snakes or a hornet's nest, we nearly sank the ship chasing all of our worms! Join us as we dive into the mucky waters and wade through the deep mud of LMS migrations with this case study. As a SaaS provider, not only did we need to find a solution that worked for our team and our existing clients, but we also needed to have a solution that baited new clients as well. It wasn't easy!
Read MoreIn the field of eLearning, designers and developers are often expected to be pocket knives capable of a range of creative skills and course development methodologies. That can sometimes make approaching new techniques and technology tough, but sometimes we know more than we think and just starting is the biggest hurdle.
Read MoreThe novelty of online education has faded and thousands of weekly logins and views don’t measure up to today’s expectations. If you truly want your eLearning content to stand out, it must focus on developing the most critical skill sets of your employees and customers.
Read MoreIt’s widely accepted that human attention spans are getting shorter. But a recent survey suggests the ability to maintain focus has actually improved over time; today’s learners are just more selective about where they devote their attention. More than ever, it’s important for eLearning designers to capture learner interest and keep them engaged.
Read MoreWe often get stuck using the same patterns of delivery, without thinking about if it is helping our audience or if it’s the best fit for a challenge. Designing great user experiences for your learners is critical to the success of how they engage, utilize content, tools, and focus on the task at hand. This session will break down what's essential in designing great experiences, and provide you with resources to get you started and inspired—from mobile to desktop and beyond. We'll discuss design strategies, what works and what doesn’t, how to plan & prototype, and demonstrate several examples for inspiration. You'll get several resources for taking your experiences to the next level and helping your organization jump forward.
Read MoreSMNX105 Training Without Limits: Off-the-Shelf or Custom LMS?
Stage Program D
It is always a tough decision … choose a product off-the-shelf and try to make it work or go directly at your problems with a custom build. Many factors come into play including time-to-market, up-front cost, and obviously features. While there are certainly cases to choose the pre-built system, the perceived simplicity of that solution is often a myth.
Read MoreThe typical learning experience requires accessing content from disparate sources—leading to a frustrating learner journey and potentially negatively impacting learners’ success. Additionally, users typically have questions during the learning experience and might need to engage with other learners, SMEs, or instructors at the time of content consumption.
Read MoreResearch shows that personalization increases learner engagement, however many organizations struggle to provide personalized learning. Why? Because without the right content strategy, it's tough to personalize at scale. This session will explore some simple things you can do right now to go beyond one-size-fits-all solutions that won't end up overwhelming your team.
Read MoreThe key differentiator when utilizing Experience API (xAPI) is that users have to make a long-term decision about how to manage the collected data. This decision, similarly to a decision of a learning management system choice, is driven by many factors including cost-per-user, accessibility, flexibility, security, and ultimately sustainability. The choice is undoubtedly connected with the question of what you want to do with your data, as xAPI enables activity data collection with high-resolution insights into specific learning activities of the solution.
Read MoreImmersive strategies such as virtual reality offer promise for teaching and learning, engaging learners in a realistic and 360-degree environment. However, while the instructional possibilities are extraordinary, there have been two major challenges facing most classrooms; technology cost and instructional relevance. During this session, attendees will explore innovative immersive assignments for online and in-person courses and discover how to create effective and engaging immersive assignments on a public institution budget.
Read MoreYour organization is launching a new system to improve staff efficiency and foster more positive engagements with clients. This is a big change that impacts each employee's job. Providing a manual won't calm their fears or inspire them to learn how to complete familiar tasks differently. You must do more. You have two months to develop engaging, interactive training for thousands of employees, with no budget or team. How do you do it?
Read MoreTesting learner proficiency is a must, but traditional multiple choice/true false assessments can't really test whether a learner can complete a workflow within a software program. Instead of demonstrating competency, the learner skirts around the objective by demonstrating conceptual retention. A good test taker can often pass a traditional assessment without learning to complete the task in real life.
Read MoreThere are a number of trends in eLearning courseware design. Learn the pros and cons of each trend and how to apply the trends to your courses to take advantage of the pros and minimize the cons.
Read MoreStage Program C
In 2003, the Columbia Space Shuttle tragically disintegrated during earth entry after 16 days in space. Aside from the technological causes, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board concluded in their assessment that "cultural traits and organizational practices detrimental to safety were allowed to develop," citing "reliance on past success as a substitute for sound engineering practices" and "organizational barriers and behaviors that prevented effective communication of critical safety information" among the problems found.
Read MoreArticulate knows that eLearning developers face big challenges. You’re asked to create engaging courses that look great on any device, and develop gorgeous eLearning on a budget. You also need to get projects approved on a tight schedule. And you may not have access to the resources and support you need to do your best work.
Read MoreYou've just learned that due to new laws or your organization's desire to be inclusive, all your training content needs to be Section 508 or WCAG compliant—in other words, accessible to all. Your first idea, providing a PDF of the course, was shot down. Separate but unequal won't cut it. Later you were reminded that "adding narration" to the course doesn’t make it accessible; it just adds unnecessary work and may conflict with screen readers. Hiring an accessibility expert just isn’t in the budget, so what is an instructional designer to do?
Read MoreYou’ve invested lots of resources into creating a beautiful online course. You’ve made custom videos, got buy-in from all of your key stakeholders, and even told your friends about it. But as soon as it launches your engagement is low and your learners are dropping like flies. What are you missing? The answer is engaging and effective facilitation.
Read MoreAs organizations scale at a rapid pace, it is always a challenge to manage and maintain systems in isolation. Today’s learners seek information at their fingertips and are getting overloaded with too much information with a push strategy.
Read MoreMost of us just use a couple of apps on our mobile devices and we don’t take full advantage of what is possible. Are you looking for amazing ways to use your mobile device to create content? In this session, you will learn how to use your phone or tablet to brainstorm, sketch, take notes, collaborate, create audio and video-based media, and animate using several mind-blowing apps.You'll leave the session feeling inspired and have the practical information to apply one or more apps when you get back to your device.
Read MoreMost digital learning professionals know that data science and artificial intelligence (AI) can make their everyday processes more efficient and help them reach business goals faster. However, many still have questions around the real-life applications of data science and AI within digital learning, including:
Read MorePersonal data protection has become a concern for people around the globe, with countries everywhere creating their own privacy laws and standards to protect citizens and their data. With new laws in place such as GDPR in Europe, CCPA in California, and LGPD in Brazil, institutions that serve global populations need strategies for compliance with the privacy standards in every country where their customers reside.
Read MoreSoft skill development is vital to the success of your organization and its employees. Executives consistently rank soft skills as the top most important capabilities to cultivate in their employee populations.
Read MoreToday’s eLearning producers must compete against all forms of online entertainment and social media distractions. Learn how to implement reality programming strategies and real-world rewards into your training content to increase user engagement.
Read MoreSTRS202 Implementation vs. Adoption: How to Roll Out Process Changes That Actually Stick
Stage Program E
A recent study showed the Number One challenge learning and development leaders face is dealing with and driving change. From new technology adoption to process updates to mergers and acquisitions —today’s organizations are in a constant state of flux.
Read MoreSTRS203 Stay Sharp! Competition for Engagement and Reinforcement
Stage Program E
When training is not a requirement, participation in your learning program is optional and your users train on their own time. Getting your audience to make the choice to join your community requires some enticement.
Read MoreSELR203 How We Create Award-Winning Work—And You Can Too
Stage Program A
Every instructional designer wants to create top-notch work. But it can often feel like the odds are stacked against you—tight deadlines, lack of resources, department of one—you know what we’re talking about. What if you could take a peek behind the curtain at how an award-winning custom eLearning shop works? See what their secrets to innovation, efficiency, and awesomeness are?
Read MoreGamification and microlearning are two of the biggest buzzwords in eLearning today. How do you effectively use them together to ensure that you’re delivering a learner-centric experience that’s not just bells and whistles, but an engaging and effective experience that learners find valuable?
Read MoreThe employee skills gap is widening, but employees have even less time for training today. According to a LinkedIn Workplace Learning survey, employees are able to set aside barely five minutes per day for formal learning. L&D managers agree that traditional training methods are not adequate to equip a workforce for the future. With workplace learning being one of the biggest motivators for employees, how does L&D meet the learning needs of today’s digital workforce and create a culture of ongoing learning?
Read MoreSEMT203 Headless Content: Wrapping Your Head and Hands Around Large Content Libraries
Stage Program C
Managing a large or growing library of learning content is an expensive and time-consuming exercise. The issue is compounded when the content creation or maintenance workflows contain many different stakeholders, the team’s timelines are at the mercy of upstream business units, and the learning material itself is delivered in different formats to different channels.
Read MoreYou know what you're doing and you do it well. You know your process works. But despite using the same methods and templates you've used before, you and your SME are not seeing eye-to-eye. You need just a little something more, or maybe something different, to close the gap and be on the same page. Have you ever had that situation? I have. My trusty workbooks and templates for course design worked well until I got to this one project and then they just weren't quite working. They weren't flexible enough. I knew I had to try a different approach. That's when I accidentally learned how a tool that's typically used as a collaboration tool for remote teams can be leveraged to help visual people better understand the plan for eLearning design and development.
Read MoreContent bloat: It's embarrassing, it's uncomfortable, and you blame yourself for that extra weight you're carrying around. But how did it happen? You did a job task analysis, you created objectives, you tried to design efficiently. But somehow the program just kept growing. At JetBlue University, we're feeling the strain of training programs getting too large yet, with our safety focus, we can't just cut content or objectives. The only way to reduce the bloat is to reimagine how we handle required knowledge and skills that our job task analysis (JTA) has identified. To do that, we may need to take a few steps back and look again at our needs and expectations for modern learners in a modern workforce.
Read MoreRecently Google tested its hiring algorithms and found that seven out of their eight most important employee qualities involve soft skills. These include: being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing insights into others; having empathy toward and being supportive of colleagues; being a good critical thinker; problem solving; and being able to make connections across complex ideas. These skills are as teachable as any other skill. MIT Sloan researchers have the data to prove that not only can soft skills be taught, but that by doing so companies can recognize substantial ROI. The problem is that most companies don't know how to teach soft skills effectively. The answer is serious games.
Read MoreLearning from a peer is a powerful tool and most learner populations are very receptive to hearing best practices. Peer-to-peer learning is very personalized and direct, which allows for instant implementation. This type of strategy works very well in small group settings, but due to its personal nature, it is extremely difficult to scale. How can you create a curriculum that allows for this wonderful, small-scale interaction to be delivered at scale?
Read MoreEnterprise clients are looking for a way to showcase and provide internal and external training on complex products and processes in an immersive experience, but making 3D virtual reality presentations has historically required specialized software developers, which restricts some companies from being able to access these capabilities and causes increased costs for others.
Read MoreAccording to the National Training Laboratories, passive training (lectures, reading, and videos) results in 5 –20 percent retention rates while active training (learning-by-doing, playing games, or participating in activities) can deliver retention rates as high as 90 percent. Despite this significant delta, the majority of trainers fall back on Death by PowerPoint, driving employees to complain about boring and ineffective training.
Read MoreWithout a knowledge of where the industry is headed you may find yourself on the wayside as technologies and techniques pass you by. Staying on top of your game means watching current trends and knowing what tools are available to make you the best eLearning professional you can be.
Read MoreSELT205 The 3 Pillars of an Effective Digital Learning Program
Stage Program B
Digital transformation is the name of the game, but how do you know if your current learning program is actually successful? While digital, one-size-fits-one approaches are gaining recognition across the industry, many organizations are still relying on outdated solutions that leave learners wanting more. In-person courses and paper-based materials aren’t learner-friendly for busy professionals, and traditional LMS platforms prioritize content management over creating a premium learning experience. These options also offer limited functionality and ability to scale, preventing businesses from expanding their reach into new markets and users. Without incorporating modern learning methods, you run the risk of a bad learning experience that results in high dropout rates, poor learner engagement, and ROI left on the table.
Read MoreSince the advent of YouTube, video has shot to prominence as a medium of knowledge transfer and training. Video has become an invaluable resource for teaching, professional development, formal instruction, and any kind of knowledge transfer. The rise in the use of video content brings along questions and challenges that we'll explore:
Read MoreLXP, LMS, LRS, bots and more … the complexity of next generation learning technology is growing. Learning Pool is here to make life simple. This session will present a simple architecture into which you can categorize learning technology and present a seamless, simple way to bring all of the elements of a “next generation” learning ecosystem to life.
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