Stay Ahead of the Curve
Looking to take a deep dive into a topic and boost your skills quickly? Kick off your conference trip with an optional Pre-Conference Certificate Workshop and soak in a guided and focused experience that will help you build new knowledge and skills that you can use right away. You will receive a certificate documenting your participation in the workshops from The eLearning Guild. Workshops are available on Sunday, March 25, and Monday, March 26, from 8:30a to 4:30p. Separate fee-based registration is required.
= BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) workshops ensure that you receive in-depth, hands-on training and enable you to follow along with the instructor step-by-step.
Sunday, March 25
P01: BYOD: Getting Started with Storyline 
Stefanie Lawless, Yukon Learning
P02: Implementing Ecosystem Solutions: A New Approach
Marc Rosenberg, Marc Rosenberg and Associates and Steve Foreman, InfoMedia Designs
P03: Data-Driven L&D: Tools to Implement xAPI Today
Nick Washburn, Riptide Elements
P04: BYOD: Building Branching Scenarios 
Jon Aleckson & Jenny Saucerman, Web Courseworks
P05: Project Managing eLearning: The Best of Waterfall and Scrum
Anita Rosen, ReadyGo
P06: BYOD: Instructional Design for Virtual Classroom Events 
Karen Hyder, Kaleidoscope Training and Consulting and Melissa Chambers, MSC Consulting
Monday, March 26
P08: xAPI Camp
Sean Putman, Altair Engineering and Brian Dusablon, Learning Ninjas
P09: BYOD: Using Advanced Storyline Features to Build Complex Learning Modules 
Ron Price, Yukon Learning
P11: Game Development and Gamification for Non-Programmers
Andrew Hughes, Designing Digitally
P12: LEGO Serious Play—Solving Complex Problems
Kevin Thorn, NuggetHead Studioz
P13: Design for Behavior Change
Julie Dirksen, Usable Learning
P16: BYOD: Visual Communication for eLearning 
Diane Elkins, Artisan E-Learning, and William Everhart, E-Learning Uncovered
P17: BYOD: How to Make Awesome Training Videos Quickly and Cheaply 
Jonathan Halls, Jonathan Halls LLC
P19: BYOD: Building Interactive and Animated eLearning with Captivate 
Pooja Jaisingh, Adobe Systems
Do More and Save More!
Extend your learning for a full week and save $100 on any of these certificate programs when you also register for Learning Solutions 2018—in addition to all other discounts for which you may qualify!