Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

P13 The Art of Producing Excellent Training Videos

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday, June 19

Nautilus 2

You have a great idea for a video to include in your training program. How do you take a concept and develop it into a motion picture? Where do you get the proper equipment, resources, and staff to pull it off? As a producer, these tasks can seem overwhelming.

This workshop will cover practical steps that will lead to the success of your project, regardless of size. You’ll create a game plan to get your video(s) off the ground through an efficient and professional approach. To accomplish this, you will look at real-life examples from commercial advertising, from developing multimedia training courses, and even from producing feature films. You’ll dive into budgeting, script writing, storyboarding, selecting locations, scheduling, finding equipment, sound recording, editing, reviewing, and finally launching!

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the cinematography of eLearning video
  • How to plan all aspects of production
  • Script writing techniques
  • About the anatomy of an excellent video
  • How to craft a basic video production budget
  • About the basics of video editing
  • About the fundamentals of production gear

Novice to intermediate project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
The Blackmagic Production Camera, several lenses, an LED video lighting package, and Macbook Pro with Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe Story.

Phillip Wade

Public Education Program Developer

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Phillip Wade is a public education program developer with the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as well as a video producer with over 200 productions under his belt. Phillip creates online training classes for OSHA on a variety of health and safety topics. Additionally, he has directed and produced movies through Ambition Pictures that have been featured at nearly a dozen film festivals, including the Beverly Hills Film Festival, the WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival, and the Portland International Film Festival.

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